In my previous blog, I mentioned how self-judgment is the first step before we get rid of the side effects of being judged by others. What happens when we let judgment affect us? Being judged by people is a never-ending process, and it continues throughout life, so do not let it hamper your work.

Loss of time, or we can call it a waste of time:

When we get distracted, it is not always easy to bring back focus as quickly as possible. We all agree to this. Being conscious of what others think about us is one of the biggest causes of distraction. The big cost of distraction, that we end up paying, is the loss of time. To remain stuck in a web of confusion and doubts, based on the viewpoint of another person, is a total waste of time. The first step involves acceptance from our end about judgment being a part of life, and it can help a lot in ‘not’ getting affected by it.

Opportunity Loss:

An ability to make a decision, in a fear of being judged by others, results in loss of opportunity. By the time we get rid of the uneasiness of being judged by others, we would have already lost an opportunity. Loss of opportunity is one aspect. This can affect other areas of life as well, such as day-to-day activities. Remove that fear of not being accepted, don’t try to fit in forcefully.

Losing your own identity:

A constant pressure to please others, so as to avoid criticism, results in losing our own identities sometimes. Don’t be a clone and become a clown. Never follow a person blindly and make someone your idol out of an inferiority complex, or in an effort to prove yourself. One can lose one’s own identity, beliefs, values, and even temperament in the process. Have faith in yourself, no matter how many times you are being judged. Losing your identity is like losing on both sides: as in neither you will hold faith in your own values, nor will you be able to completely follow others.

Start doubting your own abilities:

At some point in time, in order to prove ourselves constantly to others, we start to doubt our own abilities. We often judge ourselves, faster than others. And when we start to doubt, it becomes easier for others to distract us with their own judgments. Accept the fact that we all are humans and nobody is perfect. Click to read – Enjoy your mistakes.

Avoid making a negative self-image of yourself, be your own best friend.

Stay connected,
Nikita Kohli

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