We might never get to the next step or the next stage, and do what we really want to do in life until and unless we satisfy our current curiosities. Have you ever experienced a constant uneasiness created by a thought, which is so self-provoking in itself that it does not let you live in peace?

  • While you are talking to someone but your mind is constantly thinking something else: yes, the same thought which is causing havoc in your mind.
  • You are eating your favorite food, but you are still not feeling content: why? Yes, it’s the same thought which is causing havoc in your mind.
  • A time comes when you lose interest in most of the things around you. Yes, it’s that same one thought which is still clinging to your mind.

Sometimes you need to listen and pay attention to the voice in your head and not ignore it at all. The thought which is causing you uneasiness, if paid attention to, can do wonders and help us make the right choices. Never ignore your passion or a feeling of longing to do something because this might turn into that one thought which can create uneasiness and sometimes a feeling of uselessness. You have a lot more potential than you think♛

The good news is, it is never too late 😊

We all have heard this phrase – it’s never too late– many times but applying it and making efforts will help you understand the real meaning of it. Believe in yourself.

  • You want to talk or convey your feeling to someone but you are unable to do so because of XYZ reasons.
  • You want to give time to your creative side but you are unable to do so because of XYZ reasons.
  • You wish to go on a solo trip, but you don’t know what is holding you back even when you have money and a good amount of time in hand.
  • You have a passion for photography and you have recently purchased a new camera but you are still not using it.
  • You have so many ideas in your mind to implement and have all the freedom in the world but you are still not implementing those ideas.

Self-doubt and fear are two things that hold us back most of the time. Self-Doubt – Yes, we all know the meaning of it. What if we fail? Most of us don’t even start something because we fear. What if we fail or lose interest instantly? Yes, we do have some expectations for ourselves. Here I would like to say that first of all – be your own superstar in your head!

  • Were you even sure of the exact percentage in school you would get before even giving the exam?
  • Were you even sure of getting your dream job before applying for it?

Eliminating self-doubt will make it much easier for us to give a kick start to any task or desire.

Fear – No, I am not talking about the fear of failure. According to my, fear of failure is just another aspect of self-doubt because we have actually not failed yet. It is still just another thought.

Here I am talking about the fear of what people would say if we do this or do that. Most of us have been victimized by this thought constantly over and over. Hats off to those who were never bothered by this thought. 😊

Remember this: You do not need to prove anything to anyone

Avoid overthinking what others might say- Done with the thinking?

Don’t let this burden make your spark dull. The fear of what people might say might lead you to make the wrong choices. People generally forget about your life and actions in a few days but then you will be the one who had to bear the consequences if made the wrong choice.

Life is happening now and you are the sole master of it. You know exactly what makes you happy. Do not suppress your inner feelings, passion, and what you really want to do under self-doubt and fear.

A very impressive quote I would like to mention here that I came across on social media: Never allow ‘waiting’ to become a habit. Live your life and take risks. Life is happening now.

Stay connected,
Nikita Kohli

Next post Are you done with the thinking?

39 thoughts on “Do what makes you really happy

  1. Great work, very inspiring and higly motivating. Keep up the good work. 😊😊
    Keep writing ✍️ ✍️ .
    Looking foward for more blogs(on your travel around the world).

  2. You surely made me to revisit the thought:
    #ThinkBig, #DreamBig, #BelieveBig and the Results Will Be #Big
    #HighlyMotivated, #inspired

  3. This is such an insightful read. Such a relatable subject and you speak about our anxiety and fears and how we are stil in control of our lives.
    Thanks for such uplifting words.

  4. Wow amazing it is. Its basically art of living which people have forgotten in day to day life coz of fear which is “unknown”
    Put thru really well in simple words.
    Fabulous work NK

    Cheers RK

  5. I really agree with your thoughts, and i am one of them hungry soul. While reading to this article i am feeling this article for me. Last week I started to do what I want and this article motivated me and supercharged me. Sucess or failure is futuristic, people's talk are their business but my business is to make myself happy and satisfied by doing the things i love to do with passion. Thanks for such a wonderful article you have written. ��

  6. Very well written. The subject is so relatable and helps connect personally. We all self doubt ourselves at so many instances in our lives but to stay connected with possibilities and remaining positive is what your piece can really help act as a reminder.

    Kudos to you on spreading this positivity through your words. �� Will look forward to more from you.

  7. Very well thought and written from heart. Excellent selection of words and phrases to convey the correct meaning at correct places. Excellent effort.

  8. This is super motivating. Thanks blogger, this is exactly what the world needs to hear, especially during this pandemic. I especially loved these lines: "Life is happening now and you are the sole master of it. You know exactly what makes you happy. Do not suppress your inner feelings, passion, and what you really want to do under self-doubt and fear."

    Do keep writing, looking forward to your wisdom which I can imbibe in my life.


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