All it takes to start combat procrastination is taking the very first step itself, whether willingly or unwillingly.

Being able to delve into a vibe and immersing oneself in a task is difficult until one actually gets into the vibe. Confused? Not to beat around the bush, here is a simple explanation. Whether you like to work on a task or not, once you start it ( even if it is against your will), you automatically get into the vibe slowly and start to feel comfortable doing the same. Taking the first step is always a bit painful. It is like an initial push. The first step requires more strength to start afresh. It is also true that once you overcome that first initial phase, it becomes easy to go through the rest.

Here are a few scenarios that are quite common when it comes to procrastination. And, we all can relate to them.

Remember the time when we had made a decision to follow a diet plan, to start a gym, or promise ourselves that daily morning walk routine? We would have taken these decisions at a time when we were highly motivated. But what happened when D-day arrived to do the same? Suppose we plan a weekend trip with friends but don’t feel like getting out of bed on the weekend.

Sometimes we don’t feel like following up on our own plans. And there could be many reasons for the same.

Fear of change is one: When we aren’t sure of the end result and are always in doubt whether it is worth putting an effort into or not.

Comfort zone: Being mentally unprepared to spread our wings and coming out of our comfort zone is one the biggest reasons behind delaying a task each time.

Reason: When our reason is not strong enough to bring beneficial changes in our lives, we are easily distracted and change the course of our decisions repeatedly.

Well, how to get into the vibe and take that ‘very first step’ is the point of discussion here. As I had mentioned at the beginning, all it takes to combat procrastination is that one initial push that we need. And this becomes easy, only when our reason behind a certain goal is strong enough. All of us have heard the word procrastination and are well aware of its meaning. Well, we are aware of its meaning but still don’t put much effort to overcome the same. why? the answer is procrastination itself.

When stuck in a rut of procrastination, we must consider the steps below. This will help us analyze why we still haven’t started work towards our goals.

A NEED FOR A STRONGER REASON: Go back in time and consider why you had actually taken that particular decision in the first place. If your reason was strong enough and you know why it had motivated you enough in the first place, you will find it easier to fight against procrastination. This will at least help you in giving a kick-start to whatever you want to do.

A FRUITFUL END RESULT: Once your reason is clear to you, think about the positive end result that you would like to achieve. Consider the level of satisfaction and happiness that you would get out of it. The end result should make you excited to get you back in action. Be very clear on the goals you wish to achieve.

UNPLEASANT END RESULT: Consider the fact, that there will be a loss of opportunity if you don’t take action well on time. What will happen if we do not utilize the time in hand well enough. Let us consider that it is your this last chance to make things work. Circumstances change every day and you do not want to let time slip away from your hands.

BEING PRIVILEGED: Practicing gratitude and paying respect to the privileges you have in life will keep you on your toes in terms of making your life better, with each passing day. Be grateful to have all the facilities in life, a healthy body, sound mind, a good friends circle, a family to support, and so on. Not everyone is privileged enough in life. Some people have had to fight continuously for survival and basic necessities of life. So let us be grateful for the resources we have in hand and try to make the most out of life.

TIME: You must have heard the very famous phrase,’ time and tide wait for none’. If you don’t make use of the favorable opportunities, you may never get the same chance again.

Benefits of Overcoming Procrastination:

When we overcome procrastination, we see ourselves following a certain routine and completing tasks within the set timelines.

A DISCIPLINED LIFE: I agree the word discipline is not very amusing but is worth the effort. When we overcome procrastination, we start doing things in a routine that automatically leads to a disciplined life. Completing tasks on time and following a routine gives a level of satisfaction and makes things work timely.

FEEL-GOOD FACTOR: Yes, there is no doubt that we feel good each time we achieve a goal, whether it is a short-term goal or a long-term one. A set routine or a discipline may not sound very interesting but the results are definitely beneficial.

Writing and sharing my ideas is something that I really like to do on regular basis. But, even then I find myself struggling most of the time when it comes to actually doing the same. Procrastination can kick in even when you love doing things of your interest. The only way to fight is to have a stronger reason that makes you excited enough to pursue it and a reasonable goal.

Stay connected,
Nikita Kohli

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